The Midwest Implant Institute Externship is the one-on-one training you are looking for.
Since 1980, the Midwest Implant Institute has provided an Externship Program (303-EX) where a doctor from any state in the United States, providing they are in good standing in their state with their own dental board, can obtain an Ohio State Dental Temporary License to perform surgery on their own patients. Having the opportunity to diagnose and treat your own patients with implant placement, whom you will finish the prosthetics in your own office, is exciting and beyond words to describe “true dental education experience.” Because you have a personal relationship with the patients in your office, they trust you and will help you if asked properly.
Graduation from the Midwest Implant Institute.
Graduation is held in the highest esteem in dental implant education circles. No other known opportunity will allow all Externs who wish to do surgery on multiple patients to get a temporary dental license. For 32 years thousands of dentists and staff have gained personal hands-on dental implant step-by-step education. Only three states in the USA have not had a dentist bring patients to Midwest Implant Institute in Ohio.
After completion of The Comprehensive Implant Surgery and Team Training (303) Course, the doctor and staff will qualify to begin the MII Externship Program. Each Extern participant will be shown how to put together proper x-rays showing necessary anatomy, proper mounted diagnostic casts, completed medical history, and protocol necessary to qualify their patients for personal implant therapy by the Extern and their staff members.
Hands-On Surgery.
Each extern is required to assist with seven implants and to personally place seven implants. By assisting the surgical placement of implants by an MII Faculty member allows the MII Externs to see the correct surgical protocol and how to easily place implants with predictability. After assisting on a specific surgical procedure the MII Extern will perform that similar procedure under the personal eyes of the MII Faculty member with the doctors staff assisting that procedure. The MII staff faculty will be guiding your staff during the procedure. After successful completion the doctor and staff will discuss the completed procedure in detail with MII Faculty. Doctor has the opportunity to ask questions and take constructive suggestions for future similar procedures.
Maxillary Anterior Requirement using bone spreading osteotomes.
Maxillary anterior bone usually is less dense than mandibular bone. Using bone spreading osteotomes will allow the Extern to manipulate maxillary bone from type 3 or type 4 bone to type 2 bone gaining compaction of bone cells close to the implant that is threaded to place. Proper use of osteotomes increases maxillary anterior implant success rates. The MII Extern will learn how to take 3.5mm of bone width and spread the bone to accept a 3.7mm implant leaving one millimeter of buccal and one millimeter of lingual bony receptor site. The MII Extern will assist and then personally place a Maxillary Anterior Implant.
Maxillary Posterior Requirement using bone spreading osteotomes.
Maxillary posterior (Bicuspid and Molar) bone usually is less dense than mandibular bone in the Bicuspid and Molar areas. Using bone spreading osteotomes will allow the Extern to manipulate maxillary bone from type 3 or type 4 bone to type 2 bone gaining compaction of bone cells close to the implant that is threaded to place. Proper use of osteotomes increases maxillary posterior implant success rates. Straight and angled instruction will be given to allow proper vertical placement of posterior implants. The MII Extern will assist and then personally place a Maxillary Posterior Implant
Mandibular Posterior Requirement using rotary instrumentation.
Mandibular Posterior (Bicuspid and Molar) implant placement usually has an adequate cortical plate of bone with varied medullary bone. Using infiltration anesthesia, the area is properly anesthetized, allowing for the following surgical protocol to be utilized: Use of surgical guide where 2 or more mandibular implants will be placed. Protocol to mark tissue and then proper bone location using the surgical guide. Placement of a pilot drill to a prescribed depth that has been previously determined. Placement of parallel pin and proper periapical x-ray taken Determination of desired depth and width of implant to be placed Placement of implant healing screw or tissue abutment Proper suturing of surgical area Proper x-ray and patient record recording Post-op medication given for specific procedures
Each MII Extern will assist and personally place a mandibular posterior implant. Mandibular Anterior Requirement using rotary instrumentation.
Mandibular anterior implant placement for utilizing a bar over-denture or attachment retained lower supported denture is described in detail before tissue reflection and implant placement. The bar over-denture is the most successful implant prosthesis utilized in implant dentistry. After reflection of tissue, the MII Extern will prepare the available remaining bone to accept four implants between the mental foreman bilaterally. After placement of the implants, healing abutments will be placed on the implants and tissue sutured around the healing abutments. The removable denture is relined with a soft reline using the implant healing abutments as support. Each MII Extern will assist and personally place mandibular anterior implants for support of a implant supported denture.